Chinavasion Wholesale Electronics
Chinavasion Customer Service is HORRENDOUS!


DO NOT ORDER FROM CHINAVASION! They are the worst when it comes to customer service. I ordered some Christmas gifts (2 items) in early December because on their website it states: "Goods are sent out from our warehouse stock typically within 1 day of your order payment", this is a HUGE fallacy! 5 days went by and I had to send them a support ticket inquiring as to why my order wasn't shipped yet! Within 24 hours of submitting my ticket my order was finally shipped... TO THE WRONG ADDRESS!!! They sent my order to a completely different state! Needless to say, I did not receive my order until AFTER Christmas. They were negligent in the handling of my order because we had an agreement that my order would be in my hands within 4 to 8 days of them receiving my payment (including expedited shipping fees) and they did not honor that agreement. I sent customer support tickets about 10 times asking them to refund my shipping fees and all I get are "Our apologies, we promise to be more careful in the future" responses. I tried to speak to management about three times on their "live" chat and all I get are generic answers like "we will email you a response on your refund request" and "management offices are closed now so there are no managers for you to speak with". I requested for a manager to contact me when they were in and all I got was a response saying "I will try but I can't 100% commit to that", which basically means NO! I am completely frustrated with them and I feel like I am going in complete circles. I don't think Chinavasion fully comprehends what customer service is intended for. I feel like if they want to do business in the US then they should adopt US standards of Customer Service in which we are accustomed the US, if a shipment was misdirected due to the error of the company, you would easily get your shipping fees refunded. Not so with Chinavasion. I can unequivocally say that I will never again do business with them and I urge you to do the same to avoid the stress and headaches that you will receive from their customer service department should your order go awry like mine did. BEWARE! You have been warned.

Company: Chinavasion Wholesale Electronics
Country: USA
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