Extreme Wireless LLC
They add features to your account without permission! Brandon Pearl


This company puts features on your account that are FREE for the first month, then start charging you 7 or 8 dollars a month until you call and have it removed!!!
I upgraded 2 lines on my Family Plan and I had it added to all 5 lines on my account so they can't use the excuse "the computers do it when you upgrade that line"
This company has bad business practices and everyone should beware...

Company: Extreme Wireless LLC
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Brandon / Pearl
Address: 404 Riverwind Dr
Phone: 6019390116
Site: extremewireless.com
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ATT Wireless
ATT Mobile Unethical Practices

AT&T Wireless
Fraud and scam

AT&T Wireless
On a family plan being double charged each month for the second line when this line is included with the service inorder to have a family plan to statr with. This goes for the taxes, 911, you name it

Com Defrauds Me of 2nd Line Upgrade St. Louis

Centennial Wireless
Charged me 300 dollars a month, charged ridiculous fees for things they promised was free and lied to me!

Rip off on family plan and phones

Cingular Wireless
AT&T Wireless Fradulent Billing ripoff

Cingular Scammers

Verizon Wireless
Ripoff charged us $2,000.00 for 4 lines plus another 1 illegal fraudulent charges for services we never used/requested we never used 3 lines

Verizon Communications Inc
Fed up with Verizon Wireless!