Cynthia Mantalos
Warning: Do not do business with Cynthia Mantalos - a long history of deception and evictions!


First, read the other consumer complaints about Cynthia Mantalos. You will see that her reputation is known by many. However, this report is different. I will offer you a deeper reason why she has upset so many people... Why so many want nothing to do with her!!!

From the other reports about Cynthia Mantalos, it is claimed that she has passed bad checks, is a con artist (true) and has been evicted many times (very true!!!). But, what these other reports do NOT tell you is WHY she is the way she is. I have had first hand knowledge of her work in the dog rescue field in Greene County, Virginia, and I know many of those in her "circle of friends" (many of whom now avoid her); I have noticed that many of the traits of three Personality Disorders show up repeatedly in Cynthia's behavior.

For those of you who are thinking of doing business with her, this report will be a real
WAKE-UP CALL. Over the past eight years she has often exhibited behavior and
emotions that reflect the following:

1. Antisocial Personality Disorder: This term is commonly misunderstood as
referring to someone who has poor social skills, but usually the opposite is true.
Often, they can be charming, and are adept at focusing their cold, calculating efforts
solely on self-gratification, typically at the expense of others. Here are other
major traits she has:

A. Persistent inability to keep jobs
B. Narcissism, elevated self-appraisal, sense of extreme entitlement
C. Apparent lack of remorse; inability to care about hurting others.

2. Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A narcissist is always right and you're the one
who is wrong. Some other traits Cynthia exhibits:

A. Has a grandiose sense of self-importance: exaggerates achievements & talents.
B. Is often preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, etc.
C. Believes she is "special" and can only be understood by other special or
high-status people.
D. Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes.

3. Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms: this is complicated, to learn more, go to:

Having known her for many years in the animal rescue field, I truly believe that if most individuals who really know Cynthia Mantalos, would read this, they would say: "yes, it sure sounds like the Cynthia I know... That's why I never loan her money".

Again, avoid doing business with this person. Basic decency prevents me from going
into even more detail as to how manipulative Cynthia can be. No one has ever been able to change her. Sadly, as the years go by, she is getting worse. There are a lot of people in Massachusetts and Virginia who have been deceived and financially burned by her. Don't let yourself become her next victim. Thank you for reading this warning. Far too many people have been burned by this woman.

Company: Cynthia Mantalos
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Charlottesville
Address: Barbersville, Virginia
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Cynthia Mantalos. Julian Phil Heggie
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Cynthia Mantalos
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Cynthia Mantalos
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