Julian phil heggie
Phillip... Julian. Cynthia mantalos. Cunning... Slick. Educated. Loosers

Business & Finance

Julian phil heggie and cynthia mantalos moved back to cape cod from virginia in 2006.. Shortly after arriving mr. Heggie was arrested in mashpee mass. This particular night he was with a known suspect who is now in jail for a murder that took place in hyannis. Mr. Heggie has been arrested
for many motor vechicle violations, civil suits, ect. He and cynthia mantalos whom he resides with on and off. Are known to be in the dog business. They house several dogs, and somehow make money from donations. This is not an legimate business, actually nothing they both do is. They lie. They cheat. They'll rip both young and old off. They move from state to state. Apartment to apartment. Rental to rental. And will
trash not only your life, but your home, and yard as well. Last count they had 12 dogs. 3 cats. Living with them. They own the irs. And anyone else
stupid or innocent enough to fall prey to them. He is quite charming,
speaks well, and knows what to say. She. Is his alter ego. They both lie for, and to one another for the sake of one another. Don't trust these two. Before you have a chance to do anything, they will have skipped town. Filed bankruptcy. Or found another peter to pay paul. He goes on internet dating sites to attract women. When you google their names
you'll soon see a history or pattern that clearly speaks for itself. He is
also on dontdatehimgirl.com..

Company: Julian phil heggie
Country: USA
Phone: 7745214061
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Phil Heggie
Julian heggie - cynthia mantalos trashed house and owed rent

Cynthia Mantalos. Julian Phil Heggie
Wrote a check out for over $3000.00 it bounced! Tried to recover the funds, but these people vanish quickly! They both seem educated, and nice enough... Ostervillle

Cynthia Mantalos
Cynthia Mantalos and Phil Heggie rented a house from me, bounced checks and nearly destroyed the house with numerous dogs and cats

Cynthia Mantalos
JULIAN PHIL HEGGIE Deceptive, Cunning, Charming

Cynthia Mantalos
Dog lover was into real estate and publishing gets evicted a lot passes lots of bad checks!

Phil Heggie
Lied about refinancing Osterville

Julian Phil Heggie
Dishonest loan officer marston mills

Cynthia Mantalos
Warning: Do not do business with Cynthia Mantalos - a long history of deception and evictions!

Cynthia Rouse
Took over $100,000 from mother and the mothers son

Pinnock & Wakefield, A.P.C. For TEJJR Access Rights
Set the historic town of Julian, California on fire with ADA Access and fair compensation RIPOFF Julian