Cpc Logistics
Blaming me for a incident that i did not do


Ack in 2009 i was with a company called CPS LOGISTICS. Good paying company but worst to work for. I work on the yard all year long back in 2009 and had no problems from no one. Until Dec. 2009 when i get a call from my reigional manger telling me i am not on dispatch do to a incident that happen 10 days ago on 11/29. So i said, what are you talking about. And in reply"says i moved a trailer and backed it in to a guard rail. And o told him he was full of s—t. I never back in to it and they said they had me on camra doing it. So i asked them to show me the proof. But they never did. Like a snakey company would do.
Went the next day for a meeting for me to put a statement and he showed me what i did they say i did. And it took them 24 hours to report the accident after it suppose of happend and i told them how would i know backing in to something that i know i did not do. But any ways i get a call hours later saying... I have 2 options resign form my postion or be fired with the incedent on my dac report. So i pick option 2 resigned from my postion cause i did not want that on my dac. Well it been a month later still with no trucking job. Cause they put misleading information on my dac any way. Said i had 4 accidents and a leaving a seen of an accident. So i am disputing this misleading information. We will see what happens

Company: Cpc Logistics
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 2455 premeir row
Site: cpclogistics.com
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