Some Pluses but More Minuses - Online MLS Listing Service


I did list my home in Denver with them. After a number of emails they finally got the listing correct. You cannot reach them by phone even tho they list a number - it's a call back voice-mail. I never could get them to call back. Nevertheless, they do often (not always) get back to you via email. Their listing interface is clunky! Their entire website is the pits.

I did get a listing. And, they did get me listed on the MLS. The MLS requirement for images is weird and they could not explain the best size or pixel count. Accordingly, my very good images (I am a photographer) looked poorly. It was their fault for never getting me a size or the pixel count necessary to make them stay very good.

It seems like one person in their real estate office handles the postings, so - they are as good as that person - which is to say not so good.

Finally, this year I went to relist my home and they never returned my phone messages or 4 email requests for more info.

Country: USA
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