Will not remove free business listing, may sell phone number to advitisers or is used by telephone solicitors to call, more solicit calls recieved from than any other form of advertising Vancouve

Shops, Products, Services

This company provides no way to edit a listing or remove a listing, impossible to even review or rate a company, can get hold of them through email, but they never complete anything following. Receieved more solicit telephone calls from people, claiming to have seen business telephone on repair-home.com, this free ad than any others including paid telephone local book ad.
May be selling solicit info, does show up on search though, along with other free ad listings, but has no way to remove the listing after it has been listed.

Company: www.repair_home.com.com
Country: USA
Site: repair-home.com
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Time Warner Cable
Private Listing

AT&T "Free" business listing is just an invitation to endless telemarketing calls to upgrade to a paid listing

Gay Lesbian Directory Free does NOT mean Free!

Executive Business Listing
Internet business listing

Is a Complete Fraud! Atlanta

Cheats sellers making listings visible when they like, reducing listing period that was paid fo

AT&T Yellow Page advertising
Fraud & Absolute rudeness

Did not fully remove my personal information from their main website or mobile site, the mobile site has my full street address and map showing exactly where I live, placed 4 requests and got only on

Flippa.com Pty Ltd
Flippa.com Scam and rip off company from Australian Collingwood

Top Rank Listing
Top rank listing is a scam eboost is top rank listing now fraud