Creative Vacations Solutions
Scott Kirk Advertising Executive Timeshare Scammers They Never Intend To Sell Your Property, They Just Take Your Money


Creative Vacation Solutions promise you your timeshare will be sold in 60 days after the 60 days they have a different sales associate call you tell you the reason why your condo didn't close today because you have banked points that your buyer wants to buy but the Wyndham want release them until they are paid, then you have to pay another fee. Ths company never call you back they would leave recordings when you call there toll free number. This company has scammed me for over $2,000.00 My second closing was January 12 and guess what it didn't happen fact I had another company named International Resort call me today stated that they work directly with the Attorney Generals office because of Creative Vacations Solutions has been shut down by the department of Agriculture and Attorney's Generals office and they were refunding my money, but they charge 30%. That didn't sound legitimate to me either. So, I need your help in putting these companies out there so others want get scammed like I did. Also there's a company named Vacations Sales and Vacations Property Sercices also has scammed me for $1000.00. Please put this company on your list because they are scammers.

Company: Creative Vacations Solutions
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 777 South Flager Dr, Suite 800 West Tower
Phone: 8669844610
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Creative Vacations
Timesharing Scam

Creative Vacation Solutions
And Universal Marketing Solutions Same Scammers timeshare resale scam telemarketing

Creative Vacation Solutions
Universal Marketing Solutions Same Scammers

Creative vacation solutions and universal marketing my legal refund and world wide irs all the same company owned by jenn kirk

Creative Vacation Solutions
Creative Vacation Solutions is a RIP OFF! West Covina, California

International Resort Solutions
International Resort Finance NOT an eithical company

CVS - Creative Vacation Solutions
Creative Vacation associates Told me they had a buyer for my Timeshare. Each time I DID contact them they had a different excuse each time

Creative Vacation Solutions
Fraud and Lies

Creative Vacations Solutions
Berkshire Aquistions These companys all have a great line, we will sell your timeshare now we have someone wating to buy, total scam. I have been scamed 5 times I have spent more than $6thousand trying to get rid of the t

Creative Vacation Solutions