Creative vacation solutions and universal marketing my legal refund and world wide irs all the same company owned by jenn kirk

Traveling & Tourism

Universital Marketing & Creative vacations Solutions, promiced to sell my Timeshare and did not. They said the property sold and they had a buyer for it and it would take 90 days to get a clear title, then it would go through Finance, an would close a week later. Then they pushed it back so far, it went past the 120 day on the contract, to not be able to get your money back. It has been since last year more then 6 months. I have not herd form the company for 4 months. The phone numbers have been disconceted. I have tryed to work with my credit card people, to get my money back. They took out the 999.00 out of my account, but 30 days later, they put it back in, the company was fighting back so they had to put the money charge back on my card They said they couldent do anything for me, because it was past the 120 days, so I lost my money. The company even called me an told me they were closing thier doors, an I should not have a problem getting reembursed, they lied

Company: Creative vacation solutions and universal marketing my legal refund and world wide irs all the same company owned by jenn kirk
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Address: 777Flager Dr Suite 800West Towers
Phone: 56151506001
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Creative Vacation Solutions
And Universal Marketing Solutions Same Scammers timeshare resale scam telemarketing

Creative Vacation Solutions
Fraud and lies

Creative vacation solutions and universal marketing my legal refund and world wide irs all the same company owned by jenn kirk
Scott kirk Feb the same as has been reported by many. Took our money and ran. I knew it was a scam, but my partner fell for it and we lost our money. How do these people get away with this by law and is the

Creative vacation solutions and universal marketing my legal refund and world wide irs all the same company owned by jenn kirk
Now they have a new scam in town a refund company headed by the kirks scott and jenn what next

Creative Vacation Solutions
Universal Marketing Solutions Same Scammers

My Legal Refund
Refund company a legal refund company

Creative Vacations Solutions
Scott Kirk Advertising Executive Timeshare Scammers They Never Intend To Sell Your Property, They Just Take Your Money

International Marketing Group
Will Steal Your Money To Sell Your Timeshare! Stay Away!

Computers does not honor $100 repate. Ripoff!

Universal Marketing Solutions, Delray Beach, FL