Greti Croft
Was sold by SUNNANO a 324,000.00 Solar installation, for a senior center to be installed by October 11th


August I was contacted by Bud Pruett Newburry Park to buy a 247 panel Solar System in a 38 unit senior complex for 323,689.00. We would recieve rebates fron SCE Mash 1, Mash2 and a tax refund. This was assured to me. Our seniors are mostly low income and struggle even to buy their medication. No electric bill would help them a lot. The impact on the planet was another big plus. A win / win situation.

The system was to be installed by October 11th. I was assured of my rebates right away. I used a 250,000.00 creditline and sent Sunnano 267,689.00. The remaining 56,000.00 were to be payed 14 days after completion of the system. I got a phonecall on October 5th that nothing had been done. I called Bud Pruitt, who blamed the City of Simi for the delay. Also he stated the city required now to use also the carports for the panel and were holding of the permit. Now I know 246 Panels could NOT fit on the roof. This was the fact.

October 15th I called Bud Pruitt, the installation was to begin on October 20th. No sign. I called and called no answer, in an email he said he was sick and call me when he got out from the Doctor. No call. I contacted the City of Simi, who cares greatly for their seniors and always has been helpful. According to them NO PERMIT had ever been applied for.

October 21st I got a call from a Jack Warren, the contractor. He had been hired from craigslist the 12th of October. He was paid 1000.00 by Paypal.

October 22nd Matthew Sarad the President of Sunnano called saying Bud Pruett had let the ball fall and he would come from Sacramento and fix everything. He also felt Jack was not comunicating...

The City of Simi called me Friday 10/23rd that a permitt had been pulled. To speed up the installation process I suggested to hire Wayne Schaffer to help Jack Warren to finish faster. I knew W. Schaffer's work. Matthew Sarad insisted on letting Jack Warren go. Wayne Schaffer had never done a solar installation.

On Monday Schaffer and Matt went to the City for plans, Schaffer had to redraw everything. Two installers were also hired out of Craigslist. They had done big solar installation but never without a SOLAR Plan nor without supervision.

I was working also with the city, Schaffer and Matthew Sarad. I asked were his lightmeasure meter was to see which carporches were the best. He answered they had an old one in Sacramento. When I aked for a solar plan, Matthew Sarad told me he knew everything about Solar and did not need one. I realized soon that we needed to learn all we could, The invertors were to be arriving on Friday early in November, I asked for their telephone, when I talked to them: the invertors would be leaving the factory on Decembefr 15th. Matthew Sarad was sorry for his "mistake".

I called all over to find invertors, I could find them, but they would not sell to Sunnano as he had no licence. Whoever I talked to was shocked that there were no plans... My aim was to get this job done and my creditline repayed whatever work it took. November 19th Matthew Sarad told SCE he would bring in the 702.00 to their office in Sacramento. He did not by that night, so I was asked to do this to insure fast completion. I brought the money to their office the next day. Matthew Sarad was not reachable by phone, his 800 number nor did he respond to the email. The 20th was the date he set to hire an electrician. We hired RR Electric, who came highly recommended. As the system was done without a Solarplan I was familiar with Schaffer's quality of work and wanted assurance that the best do the Electric finishing.

M. Sarad never answered RR Electric's calls or the bid.

The week of November 14th he did pay Schaffer late, who was charging all the material on his own creditcard. He payed him on the 20th partly and asking me to pay the rest. He now wanted me to pay for the city permits that he said were many thousand dollars.

Bud Pruett reappeared about this time telling me to compromise, he agreed a contart was a contract. Matthew Sarad WAS NOT A BAD GUY, he admitted having been misled, about Sunnanos work. He had not known that they had not done Kohl stores... To the accounting: I had been there from October 15th and have kept track of the expences, by November 20th Sunanos expenses were 225,078. We just got a call that the wind and load engineer are still owed 1950.00. So expenses are 223,078. Still about 58,000.00 left over from our deposit, this is if Bud Pruett got 30,000.00 for selling this project on Sunnano's experience, which turns out to be a lie. Bud also states in his e-mail M. Sarad' 's accounting is unintentionally fraudulent.

Matthew Sarad wanted Wayne Schaffer to JUST CONNECT the electrical, according to him 1/2 days work. RR Electric has been there over a week with often 4 workers they drove to L.A. To pick up a 5 foot panel that had to be installed. Matthew Sarad had no idea of this, RR Electric hired an electrical engineer to calculate the System. It is a big commercial System

Sunnano when asked by me for references gave:

A.: King-Solarman as a his email to me Mr. Chung states he sold Matthew Sarad 246 panel one time.

B.: Garner Energie Solution: Mr. Needham emailed me also he is not a partner of Sunnano

C.: Joseph Walker: He promised he would call me back, but never did.

Lies, misleadings, fraud, incompetance, inability to do the job, abuse to workers for asking of them what they never did before, seniors who are most vulnarable Selling contracts without licence, has been my experience with Sunnano. Matthew Sarad uses his 3 year old terminal cancer sick daughter for the delay, where are the 20 employees to assist him? He has done a huge mental and financial damadge.

I wish I had known of this GOOGLE service before I sent Sunnano the money. We will finish the project with Schaffer, RR Electric, the help of SCE, the city o Simi and for me late but I will do everything to educate the public so this does not happen to anyone else.

MATTHEW SARADS must be stopped. I will do my part to make this happen

There are laws to protect the consumer from such fraud. I will use them.

December 19th

Company: Greti Croft
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fair Oak
Phone: 9162234061
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