Bank of America
Paid a fraudulent charge to my credit card


I had a charge from Central Coast Neutraceuticals show up on my bank statement (they have since been fined heavily by the Arizona Attorney General for fraud). I immediately reported this charge to the bank. They told me to send them a statement that "I did not authorize the charge, and my credit card has never been out of my possession", which I did. I received no reply, so after a couple of months, I called the bank and was then informed that I had not filed this statement ON THEIR FORM (which I had never received). They sent me the form, I submitted it and again waited. After receiving no response for another month or two, I called them again, only to be told that they paid the charge, as it had taken too long to process the complaint, and it was now outside their "statute of limitations".

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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Bank Of America
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Bankcard Empire Ripoff Arizona

Commerce Bank
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USA Credit
Scams and us fraudulent internet

Charged $4495 to my bank account for some type of card application, which I had not completed or submitted before it just disappeared from my pc screen. I never received any kind of "card"

Ic *
Appears on my bank statement as a debit card transaction as: CHARGING MY BANK ACCT AT LEAST ON A MONTHLY BASIS FOR $12.97 W/O MY CONSENT

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