USA Housing Corp
Mortgage Re-mod Ripp Off!


Here is another mortgage re-mod ripp off! USA HOUSING CORP of ORANGE CA offered to re-modifi our mortgage - 100% money back guarantee! Says JOSE HURTADO. And just like the other ripp offs out there money was given up front to them to do what I had to end up doing myself.
Over a year later I finally had to tell BANK OF AMERICA not to let these people get near my account because they had clearly done NOTHING except give them the information that I could have (and ended up giving them 3-4 more times) MYSELF!
When asked for the money back they said "oh your re-mod is still pending" and when push by a layer came to shove they said "we show nothing in writing for the 100% money back guarantee" We never got our money back so am advising you not to do what I have done. DO NOT GO NEAR USA HOUSING or ANY THING closely related to this.

Company: USA Housing Corp
Country: USA
State: California
City: Orange
Address: 1111 Katella Ave Suite 240
Phone: 8004517707
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S Florida Housing Corp & HUD Housing
S. Florida housing corp & HUD housing a fraud

AMC Mortgage Company
Argent mortgage, Ameriquest mortgage AMC mortgage paid S&N Housing for a home loan. The home was never delivered, now they want me to pay on loan monies that was stolen by S&N Housing. They want to foreclose on a home that don't exist. California

US Bank Home Mortgage, US Bank
Ripoff Did NOT Refund My Money Remaining From My Home Repair Reserve Account as Agreed In Writing

Palm Pools Corp, Greg Gochoel
Palm Pools (Greg Gochoel) Palm Pools Corp, I was a lifeguards / Operator, i was working with a set work schedule and when i first arrived to American i had to pay a housing deposit for $200 and i was told it will be refunded within my last pay

Consumer Education Network
First Family Justice Center BEWARE of FORENSIC LOAN AUDITS

Pa. Housing Finance Agency
Housing Finance Agency DENIED homeowners' emergency mortgage assistance loan program

United Housing Relief
Mortgage Scam

Nations Housing Modification Center (NHMC)
Ripped me off!

Bank of America
Modification bull - Mortgage Practices

Housing Law Center
Over 120s and Counting - Money Lost, Home in Foreclosure - DO NOT USE!