Search Secrets 4 You
Unusual rip-off I don't know what or why stole 79.90 from me. I'm disabled with MS with two children. $79.90 is a big chunk of my income. I need this back so bad. Thank You internet


I was checking my account. I have had a couple of PA pending withdrawals from my acount in the last week.
They were for magazines that I did not want. I managed to save two of the three so far. I was checking the status of the third transaction.
That is when I found out secrets 4 you had taken $79.90. I don't know what this company is or what it is for. I canceled my card today and now don't know what to do.
I'm a single mother of two with Multiple Sclerosis. Money is tight as it is for many but I have a set amount for the month. This made my eyes welt with tears not knowing how I'm going to purchase things for my children that they need.

Company: Search Secrets 4 You
Country: USA
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Emz Store
My checking account was obbed by, Emz Store on the Internet

Fifth Third Bank
Is making thousands off of low income familes

American Leisure, Home Source, Easy Saver
I am a 35 year old SINGLE MOTHER OF 3. They took $950.40 out of my account!

EDP Card
Ripoff Tried to debit my checking for $159.95 The money wasn't there I'm disabled and was charged a $20 overdraft charge

TWX Magazine
I have 2 charges on my checking account today that shows they pulled a payment from my acct using my check card #. I did not authorize these withdrawals and did not order any magazines. Ripoff

Sunshine Subscription Agency
They took advantage of a single working mother and her children who were asked which magazines they would like and got their hopes up. They are crushed because these people lied to them! Ripoff

Decker Outlet Corporation
Purchase at a grocery store in China? Beijing

Capital Credit Alliance
They not only stole from my checking but the needs of my children and I

Lean Life
Ripoff Stole money from my checking account

The League
Secret Society Almost got me