I received a letter in the mail with NO return address on it with money attached FROM ANOTHER country to a letter from this supposed FHA lender. I Do not appreciate receiving FOREIGN currency via mail


This company so called "ifreedomdirect" sent me something in the mail with NO return address with FOREIGN currency attached to a supposed FHA lender requesting that we use them to save money. We are in the middle of a war right now!!! Who in their right mind would send "suspicious" mail?! Currency from another country? What purpose does this serve? Especially with ABSOLUTELY NO return address only a contact number! This company is SOOO lucky i didnt send this shit to the FBI to investigate. Teach them right to do something like that! As i was curious as to where this peice of mail was from i googled the company name and guess what came up? IDENTITY FRAUD! Suprised? Absolutely not! DO NOT give this company your name or address or anything for that matter! Protect your identity. After all, this country that the currency was sent from might even play a role in this scam.

Company: Ifreedomdirect
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Salt lake city
Address: 2363 South foothill dr
Phone: 8008460518
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