Directv overcharge & errors


Direct TV has over charge me three months. I called them several times about it. The employe said you should have called sooner. I told him i did. No answer to that question. 5200., 56.00 70.36 now just goes up every month, Why i ask you called and up graded, I said i did not he said someone did, you just let anyone upgrade some one els tv. Oh well yes i guess so, he said. I said i did not so change it and you owe me money. Know we done he said. You should have called sooner. I just called last we and the week before, but he had no answer for that. I only sign up for 29.95 a month but thats not what i got. So he got mad and as going to hang up, did not want to talk to me, i told him he better not hung up yet. So what does he do he cut every thing back of of the tv knowing that they owe me money but do you think they are going to pay no and i cant cut them of, I can only write this on here and never hear from anyone about this because i guess they know that someone like me cant aford to get help from any one like them a big place like them that make millions off people like me. They have cheated me and i want whats right and nothing els. They told me that i would get amc, turner c m but no not on the 29.95 but they said it would be with that plan and he said well you just wont get the rebate or any thing well i was not getting that or any thing but more added to it every month. What a rip artist they are The President should hear about this and soon so he can make them charge everyone the same with out all this rebate mess and let people just pay whats right, like he's making everyone els do. Ive had enough of over charge and they want you to let them debit you account what a laugh that is, so they can do what they want and not pay you back and you must like it They dont care if you mad they have you over a barrel and they know it.

Thanks alot Direct TV
Marilyn Breland
P O Box 533
Panhandle, Tx 79068

Company: Directv
Country: USA
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Qwest Comunications, Directv
I bundled with Qwest. They bundled me with Directv. Directv advertised a rebate on a DVR player. The rebate was for $100.00. I called and was told everything was in order. And I waited, but no rebate came

Ebate - Awful Customer Service

DirecTV - Fraud / Bait and Switch

Direct TV
Ripoff Took more money out of checking account bounced a check to me

Directv - disconnext - Satellite Tv Service

DIRECTV Svc & Billing

Direct TV
Offered a promotion of $29.99 a mo. Now debiting my account for $58.98

Direct TV
Consumer Report

Direct Tv
Watch out if you cancel service!

Onrebate, Tiger Direct
Rebate ripoff, con artists