Freedom online and web tech stratigies
Freedom online and web tech stratigies deseption, lied, ripoff, scam artist, untruth, lie Charleston, South Carolina


On 4/9/09 I wanted to start a buisness online and was contacted by Freedom online and webtech strategies. At thetime I thought it was a good Idea but came to find out it was a big ripoff. So far I have lost $350 to freedom online for the site, $3500 from webtech strategies for building and advertising it which they never really did. What I want to say to all people looking for a homebase buisness to shop and find out about the companies first. There are many so call startup companies that are ripoff artist on the internet and if it keeps up the government will regulate the internet and ake it bad for not only the bad companies but the good ones too. I still have all the leagal paperwork from webtech and I am in search for a lawyer to see if there is anything I can do so if there is anyone that can help please contact me.
Thank You

Company: Freedom online and web tech stratigies
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1717 w. Northern Ave Ste 203
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Webtech Strategies
They said they would advertize my Shop Freedom Online shopping mall and bring in customers

Freedom Online
Buyer Beware! Freedom Online Co. Sells "money-making" web-sites... But they don't have a web address!

WebTech Strategies
Can not acess my website or contact webtech strategies

WebTech Strategies & Freedom Online, LLC
Freedom On-Line Online Website Home Business Fraud, Google Adsense Fraud, Online Mall Scam
WeTech Strategies Company set me up with a online webmall. Now, I can't even get in touch with them. I've been scammed

WebTech Strategies & Freedom Online, LLC
Said they would build me a web site and bring 20,000 people to it. But I could not see if it was profiting and have not see a penny. Both Are In

Shop freedom online $4800 charged to senior's credit card, no services rendered

WebTech Strategies - Freedom Online
Freedom online contact the arizona attorney general (out of state) state 800-352-8431

National Website Strategies, LLC - Freedom Advertising, LLC - National Pharmacy Network
National Website Strategies And Freedom Advertising Aka National Pharmacy Network - Imperial Market Scam Business for Online Pharmacy - Beware! Different Names - Same Ripoff Phoenix, Tempe Arizona

WebTech Strategies & Freedom On Line
Stole Money