WebTech Strategies & Freedom On Line
Stole Money


Web Tech Strategies becomes smug, arrogant. Belligerent &totally useless after they con you out of your money. I was suppose to recive a pin From google in March. What a joke! It is now August nothing yet BIG SURPRISE from this company of cons. I"M sure You"ve all recieved the same response from ""Jiggs" OR" Matt "the so called part owner or " Joel" the CEO or "Ralph" the corrupt accountant. Their reply is always the same "WE are not responsable for what google dose or dosn't do.

However WebTech Strategies the pukes that they are accept large amounts of cash for a service neither they nor google has provided. I"ve asked for my money back all 12,500 dollars. All I get for an answer is we have done what we said we will do. Or from the little twerp Jiggs whose mother was to ignorant to provide him with a real name. He probably stole from her, thats were he got the nickname the jigg is up. Then there is Ralph whose mother names him after throw-up. What Kind of mother dose that. Their is Matt the fart owner who has told me that one time he was ripped off 32,000 dollars so get over it.

IN his next breath he told me I was In good hands. He also stated that Me and my Family would be better off in the Wittness Protection Program than to try and bring charges against him and his company. To that piece SH_T I say Bring it on you scrotumless pieceof trash I bet his wife has intercourse with Half the staff. Contact the Phoenix Attorney general Tel. 1-602-542-5763. Tell them you want to file a complaint. Remember there is strength.in numbers. Lets give these a*holes a run for their (or should I say our) money.

After dealing with these people nothing short of slow tourture to the whole staff would be just worthy. Also contact The IRS tell them you filled out a tax form for WebTech Strategies and you've never recieved a quarterly report. Tell them of the way they ripped you off. Also keep calling Web tech strategies 10,20 times a day and harrass them. Have some fun its your 12,000 dollars. Become a real nussance they deserve it. WebTech strategies this is Sam may I Help you? Hello Hello

Company: WebTech Strategies & Freedom On Line
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1717W. Northern Ave. Suite 203
Phone: 8889320641
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WebTech Strategies
Can not acess my website or contact webtech strategies

Freedom online and web tech stratigies
Freedom online and web tech stratigies deseption, lied, ripoff, scam artist, untruth, lie Charleston, South Carolina

Webtech Strategies
They said they would advertize my Shop Freedom Online shopping mall and bring in customers

WebTech Strategies
Con artists, rip off

WeTech Strategies Company set me up with a online webmall. Now, I can't even get in touch with them. I've been scammed

Shop freedom online $4800 charged to senior's credit card, no services rendered

Webtech Strategies
Mike Micheli Webtech Strategies—America's Webmall Internet Thieves and Liars

WebTech Strategies & Freedom Online, LLC
Freedom On-Line Online Website Home Business Fraud, Google Adsense Fraud, Online Mall Scam

WebTech Strategies - Freedom Online
Freedom online contact the arizona attorney general (out of state) 602-542-5763.in state 800-352-8431

WebTech Strategies
Freedom on Line Class Action Suit. Recieve 25$ for filing a complaint with Arizona Attorney General