What has happened to managers? - managerial


I was in Four Seasons mall this past weekend in Greensboro, NC shopping with 2 of my 4 children. We had a good shopping experience from the 3rd floor down untill we got to the Hollister store. Please keep in mind that I have 4 children ages ranging from 6-13.

Upon entering the Hollister store, I was already tired from shoppping with the 6 year old and the 12 year old for the 3 hours previous. The smells were strong, the graphics were offending, it was dark and we could not find a sales associate. With all of this in mind, my 12 year old insisted that we look for a bit. She found several items to try on but, we could find no one to open a dressing room. After searching, I found someone to open up the dressing room. My daughter tried on clothes for some time with me helping her get new sizes (not the sales team) and found items to purchase. We went to the register but, there were 15 people in line. At this point, I went to find another associate to see if she / he could open a 2nd register. The person whom I asked happened to be a manager. She was standing in the back room talking to 2 other associates. When I asked her about opening another register, she immediately took the defensive and just said "NO" rather loudly and that everyone was busy in their zones. I replied that there would be no one to be busy with if she didn't make her sales and that 3 people were out of zones talking to her in the back. She replied rudely that She didn't try to tell me how to run my business, so I shouldn't tell her how to run hers. She, as a 20 /- year old manager continued to be very disrespectful to me and finally threatned to call the mall police if I didn't leave her store.

I am a 40 year old woman who has worked in the GAP, OLD NAVY and a large department store in Virginia called Globmans in my younger years. I would never have been disrespectful to a customer much less someone that was older as well as about to buy $200.00 plus in my store. I was very embarrassed -actually beyond embarrassed by the manager in Hollister and I plan NEVER to shop there again. This kind of employee is what gives a store and eventually a mall its bad name. Regular law abiding citizens do not want go through anything like this - especially not with their children present. This is why we will never shop at any Hollister again. I sincerely hope that someone reads this email and understands that I am writing this as a very concerned adult and former shopper of Hollister.

Company: Hollister
Country: USA
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