Video Professor
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All I cans say was that I was misled by a Video Professor advertisement. I was under the impression that I was being charged $3.00. My credit card account was billed $198.00.

I have contacted them by phone and internet. I have requested refund, and have even returned unopened, unused materials, after being issued a Return Authorization. I was informed that after receiving the returned materials that they would not issue me a refund. My question is why would they issue a Return Authorization if they never intended on issuing a refund???

They haven't heard the last from me. I don't tire that easily!

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Denver
Phone: 8005194110
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Video Professor
1st call 15 days for refund - 2nd call 72 hrs for refund-3rd call 30 to 60 days for refund Denver internet

Video Professor
Ripoff Continued shipments not authorized by customer and no refunds for returns

Video Professor John Scherer Founder/CEO
Video Professor processed my credit card 9 days after I received merchandise. They say it will take 30 days to process a refund. Reps and supervisors very rude!

Video Professor
Ripoff! Colorado

Video Professor
Overharged. Said credit was issued. After 60 days, it has yet to arrive!

Video Professor
Charged after reciept of returned product have not returned the charged funds

Video Professor
Charged unjustified fees to my credit card after product return

Video Professor

Video Professor
Video professo

Video Professor
Eturn - refund on returned item