Applebees Bar & Grill


I walked in waited 7 minutes for the "hostess" to make eye contact and say hello, in spite of being less than 3 feet from her station. I then asked her how to place a take out order. Not able to answer she just walked off. She came back in less than a minute and said, "just ask the bartender. I said ok. I then went to the bar. Seven customers and myself. It took 13 minutes for the bartender to say hello and ask what I needed. I said I needed an order to go and while waiting a Bass Ale would be nice. She took my order and said, and I QUOTE "Your order will be ready in 11 minutes"... When my order arrived I mentioned the delay and she checked her computer / register. She said and apologized about the 30 minutes her computer showed. She also asked if I wanted to speak to a manager. I said no thanks my night and my evening was already ruined by the service. The burger was not medium it was well to burnt and cold when served. The oriental salad looked like floor sweepings. The greens were room temp as was the salad dressing...

Company: Applebees Bar & Grill
Country: USA
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Terrible service

Applebees Bar & Grill
Poor service

Applebees Neighborhood Grill and Bar
Served our appetizer, steak together at the same time = salad came later - then steak went to warming light for 10 minutes

Horrible service

Poor waiting

Applebees Bar & Grill
Terrible experience - Hosting and waitress

Poor service

Applebees Bar & Grill
We were told it would be a fifteen minute wait and it turned out to be 45

Applebees Bar & Grill
Worst service

Poor service - service