Greenwood Recovery
Liars, Thieves, crooks, crinimals, rude and ignorant and only spoke ebonics!


My vehicle was basically repossessed last night! And i had no clue didn't even realize there was a issue! I paid the loan company 600.00 last week and had no clue they put $300 towards late fees so i still owed them $150.00 and also a payment due this month of $550.00! Completely shocked me when i went to leave for work and my car wasn't there after 2 hours of panicking that someone had stolen my car i saw evidence outside that my car had been towed! Scrap marks on the street where my front bumper had been dragged! Finally i called the loan company (bank) customer service line where i talked to a rep where i stated i think my car was repoed he checked the computer and didn't understand Y... He saw the payment posted and that this months was due now nothing in the computer about the repossession he asked me to call back at 8am when the bank opened. So I did the lady explained it wasn't a mistake that I still owe around $700 ($550.00 for this month's June 11 and $150.00 for last month) That is fine we have no problem paying that, we just had no idea they were going to repo it! The problem is my fiancee's driver's license and ATM card is in the car and we need it to get the money out of the bank!
I contacted Greenwood Recovery (around 9am) and asked them if i could come down there to get the license and bank card so i could pay! A girl who obviously should not be working in customer service stated "u needs to be makin an appointment" and said we have to wait until the following day also"bring your driver license, $25.00 fee to get our stuff out and we needs your keys". Not helpful at all

First I heard they are not allowed to charge us if we are retrieving our personal property from the vechile, Second I hope they are not going to try to charge us for a second day of storage since they are not allowing us to get the ATM card out so we can get the money and pay the loan company!

I will not give them my keys i don't trust them and how do i know they will not steal my belongings or destroy something! What don't they understand i am paying the loan company and getting my car back! These people are jerks so basically now i have to pay $1100.00 to get my car back ($400 for towing what a joke no one knocked on my door and asked for my keys) I heard the loan company must advise u of the amount for towing, storage and date of expected repo also?

Company: Greenwood Recovery
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 1370 West North Avenue
Phone: 4103838000
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