Matt Russell, STAR Drug Court, Mercy Street Church, Texas Tech
Matt Russell Influence Peddled in Case in Which I was a Victim


In one of the parishioners of Mr. Russell's infamous Mercy Street Church, a heroin addict, prostitute, and stripper, stole my car and crashed it through a parking gate. The defendant's dad also ran the rehab center at Mercy Street, yet get this, was a druggie at the very same time his daughter cracked up my car. The defendant's sister, also a member of this church, was also a druggie, who introduced her to her drug dealer. How is it that you counsel others while you are a druggie yourself?

Harris County Criminal Courts staff counsel has now admitted that there was wrongdoing in the case, and says they are going to reassess the STAR Drug Court and Mercy Street.

Russell colluded with a court employee, Mary Covington, to seek special treatment for the defendant, got the defendant assigned to a rehab (at taxpayer expense) which his friend's ran, and even had the nerve to kick a friend of mine and witness out of the courtroom and threaten to beat him too! Some priest / pastor! I wish he threatened me, because the baliff would have been scraping his ass off the floor.

Mr. Russell and the court case/proceeding itself is now under investigation at multiple levels for influence peddling in this case. Russell faces several potential felony and misdemenor proceedings for influencing a trial and public official, and witness tampering / obstruction.

Company: Matt Russell, STAR Drug Court, Mercy Street Church, Texas Tech
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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