STAR Drug Court, Mary Covington, Matt Russell
Mary Covington Illegially Sought Special Treament For Drug Defendent I Was the Victim Of


In Mary Covington, working together with Matt Russell, of Mercy Street Church (now of Texas Tech University), interfered in and sought special treatment for a defendant who stole and crashed my car. I also sought leniency for the defendant, a friend of mine, but through proper and legal means, not as a special favor or outside of due process.

Harris County's staff counsel had admitted to me on a recorded audio tape Covington acted inappropiately, "advocated" for the defendant on the side, and sought special treatment. This is illegial! I have demanded the resignation of Covington for a month, with no action. I have now filed a state administrative complaint against the Judge and the STAR Drug court, and a criminal complaint at multiple levels against Covington and Russell to ensure no repeat of the Harris County "friends and family" plan for Covington and Matt Russell. They will be brought to justice.

I have also spoke (emailed) virtually ever part of the chain of command above Covington all the way up to Judge Ed Emmett without reponse - I guess they don't have one since their general counsel is on audio tape admitting Covington acted illegially... Hahaha

Moreover, I saved this young women's life by threatening drug dealers, paying for rehab, ect., all in the witness of dozens of people, and Matt Russell got an order put in place disallowing her from communicating with me. This was because he did not like the fact I met her in a strip club 2.5 years ago. Yet, Russell is an ex-addict himself, the defendant's sister introduced her to her dealer, the defendant's boyfriend shot her up, and the defendant's Dad was also an opiate addict (and get this, ran the rehab at the church Matt Russell used to oversee, called Mercy Street). Russell even had the nerve to work behidn the scenes to have defendant put in a rehab he has a close association with, allowing him to affect her treatment (and reports to the Judge). He also kicked a witness and friend on mine out of the courtroom, who I specifically sent in to deliver a message to the prosecutors in my absence.

Company: STAR Drug Court, Mary Covington, Matt Russell
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 1201 Franklin Street
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