RBX Transportation
Screwed out the doo


I worked for RBX 5.5yrs and they have got to be the poorest managed company I have ever had the oppertunity to work for. Upper management hasn't got a clue what there doing or how to opperate a company of that size.
The shop is pretty much useless for anything other than Bill & Dee's hobbyshop to work on boats or their junk vehicles.
The yard would make a good swamp buggy run. Your lucky if you can pull a load through it without dumping your freight over. Your either wadeing in mud or dust up to your ankles and lucky to get out from under the trl's a lot of the time.
Dispatch and load planning are the worst I have ever seen. How long you sit or how many miles you get all depends on how far up your dispatchers butt you have your nose. However, the more you complain about low miles and sitting, the less you get. I even tried to change dispatchers to improve miles and was told I couldnt. Dont guess I would fit into a halfway good dispatchers hand picked crew.
The first 2-3yrs there wasnt to bad but then changes were made and the company went down hill fast with no end in sight. I hung in as long as I could and kept on expressing my oppinion of things hopeing for a turn arround. Guess I waited to long. They ended up cutting my miles to nothing and discharged me. Since our vacation pay was based on previous weeks miles, I was screwed for three weeks vacation pay along with other pay that was with held when it shouldnt have been.
This company needs some serious help.

Company: RBX Transportation
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Springfield
Site: rbxinc.com
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Hirschbach Motorlines
They will take your money & try to ruin your DAC!?!

Marten transport
Pay was there and so were the miles the only thing i didn't like

Covenant Transport
Poorly Managed, dispatcher Brian Dodson

Cal ark trucking
What cal ark orientaion doesnt tell you until the last day in the last hou

Northland trucking
Crappy old trucks no freight snippy dispatchers no pay sit for days

Hooser Tradewinds
Stealing miles

Willis Shaw Express
Make me sit because i turned down run due to high % of unpaid miles

Us Xpress
I cant believe this

USA Truck
Cheats your miles, steals your money

Payne Trucking Inc
They dont pay their drivers for the miles they drive. But they charge their costumers for the miles