Chase Bank
Unethical banking procedures of chase bank to my parents account ends up taking their stimulus checks and much more than that!


I just finished reading many of the consumer complaintsS of Chase Bank and the questionable procedures of banking services they practice in managing personal accounts. I no longer feel intimidated to not speak out about the very same issues that have been happening to my parents and what victims they have been in the last three months. (Who knows how long now it could have been going on) Bank charges applied to a persons' account is a fee to cover administrative costs or of the bank's services. If I understand correctly, it is questionable when those fee's become punitive.

Chase Bank hides behind the "terms of agreement" or those words, we have all heard "sorry, but it is company policy" or we can not be held liable for anything you say we have done wrong because it states in your contract with us, we are not liable for anything we have or might or can or may do or it may have been done by a third party, on line, off line, or the lights were off that day and it wasn't even a business day at that!

Those policy or banking policy procedures of Chase Bank, has put my parents in financial hardship caused by unfair bank charges applied to them in the amount of over 2,000 dollars and interest fee's, plus caused status of credit rating to drop, has effected life insurance policies put in status of lapsing, its caused no more extended credit (couldn't get some money to pay off negative checking account), lost the privilege of using their debit cards or ATM'S and even they took their STIMULUS CHECKS as soon as it was ACH credited in account for bank penalty charges. I have even had to get food boxes for May and because of all bills not paid and returned by them and Chase Bank already taking 900.00 dollars (negative balance) to start off the month of June, I will definitely have to go get food boxes for this month too to be able to get by!

So if there is a representitive out there, from Chase Bank, who can convience me that what I have just written above, is justified and fair, you better start talking and set me straight, where I am wrong in my findings. Because this bank here in Phoenix has pissed me off. I will get a refund for all bank charges and at 8% percent interest charges also, and they will reimburse my parents for their Stimulus checks (Right? President Obama!) AND I DON'T THINK YOU WANT THE EXTRA SPECIAL ATTENTION YOU MAY GET BY THE MEDIA or that pissed off lady out front your bank, with her sign saying "CHASE BANK RIPOFFS STIMULUS CHECKS HERE" THEY TOOK MY PARENT'S CHECKS FOR UNFAIR BANKING FEE'S! Complaint written by Monica Wood, Phoenix, Arizona

P.S. You all should read the Blue Book of Banking Services 2009 for the list price of banking service fee's...

Company: Chase Bank
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 5734 West Thomas Road
Phone: 6025893840
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