Winners Choice Publications
These people are heartless individuals They lied and then sealed it like juda with a god bless you. So sad


It was saturday may 30th in the morning was just about to walk out the door when the phone rang. I went back in to answer it... It was winners choice i had been one of the top 25 people for a 100,000.00 dollar lottery. I said to myself weres the catch. She told me about the carema she told me about the magazines. So theres the catch. I asked what kind of magazines they had i was interested in purchasing christians ones for teens. When she said they had two and it would be 3.79 a week i thought... Hey i could do this. She said i would get a phone call from the supervisour. Thats another word for snake. I spoke to this supposedly christian women who told me it would be 60 dollars for 12 months of the magazine. They wouldn't charge the upfront fee of 60 untill the following month. Well i just found out right now they took out 82. Dollards today. I specifically asked her when would they take the money... I specifically told her i couldn't afford for them to make a mistake cause the money that was in there was for a plain ticket... She said don't worry about it would. I said thank you and she said God Bless all the while knowing exactly what they were going to do... I am so angry and hurt not so much because i got scamed but mostly how they could use god to gain your confidence... What you sow is what you reap 82 bucks isn't worth it. So sad!!!

Bronx new york, New York

Company: Winners Choice Publications
Country: USA
Site: winners choice
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