Gene Truman, Data Money Online
Ripoff big time!


Apparently like others, I too have been ripped of by this company. They promise no fee until you earn then before you can even read all the information to see if this is right for you, your cc is charged $197. There is only an email address to contact them and they respond with a "ticket number" and tell you where you can check status of your ticket. Well, BS!!!

I want a direct phone number for this idiot and I am looking at reporting him to the Texas State Attorney General, the Florida State Attorney General and the BBB. Please if anyone has a phone number, I would be grateful if you would share it with me.

A gentleman named Charles did a report here and said after many phone calls he was able to get a refund - Charles, if you see this, please give me the number and who you talked to to finally get your money back.

Company: Gene Truman, Data Money Online
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 8345 NW 66th Stree, #5013
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Data Money Online Gene Truman
Well I too have been scammed! Gene Truman-BIG SCAM! BeWare of losing $197

Data Money Online - Mr Gene Truman
Looks like I am the latest "VICTIM" of GENE TRUMAN with DATA MONEY ONLINE! Don't DO IT, Lose your $197 Hard-Earned MONEY!

Gene Truman-Data Money Online
Gene Truman Complete FRAUD! Beware=o (

Unauthorized charge

Dazzle White
Free Trial is a Scam

Data Money Online - Gene Truman President & Founder
Charged my bank account even AFTER I cancelled my account same day I signed up!

Zaken Corporation
Ripoff What you can do to stop him, this has been going on for years

Angel Stevens, Process At Home
How to get your money back

Ticket Liquidator
Ticket rip off

Mailbox Magazines
Don't answer the phone