Ubi Payment Services
Scammm scammmmm scammmm Robina Town Centre


This is a scam he is probably using your signature to copy it and then open up accounts. Do not trust this lowlife.

somerville, Massachusetts

Company: Ubi Payment Services
Country: Australia
State: Nationwide
Address: Po Box 4805 Robina Town Centre
  <     >  


UBI Payment Services
Ripoff again. What is wrong with these people? All I get in the mail is people that want to rip you off. Can't something be done. Robina Town Centre

UBI Payment Services
Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one who's not going to take it so easy dont rip me off and think i'm going to go Quitely Robina Town Centre

Joe Ryan @ UBI Payment Services In Singapore
Sent release form to receive a $5000 Check (scam) Robina Towne Centre QLD 4230 UBI Payment Services in Singapore

UBI Payment Services
Received letter that I was guaranteed $5000.00 Robina Town Centre Queensland

UBI Payment Services
I also recieved a letter saying i won 5000.00 all they needed was a signature. Queensland

Ubi Payment Services
5,000 prize my ass robina town centre qld

UBI Payment Services
Claim $5,000.. Just fulfill contest requirements

UBI Payment Services
Advised me that I was the winner of a 5000.00 check Robina Town Centre Queensland 4230

Ubi Payment Services Guaranteed Delivery Statement Accounting Department
Award of $5,000. Check Robina Town Centre OLD