UBI Payment Services
I also recieved a letter saying i won 5000.00 all they needed was a signature. Queensland


I also received a letter stating that i won 5000.00. All they needed was a signature. What a scam! I just want everyone to know that it has now showed up in Crossville, TN.

Company: UBI Payment Services
Country: Australia
City: QLD 4230
Address: PO Box 4805 Robina Town Centre
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UBI Payment Services

UBI Payment Services
Received letter that I was guaranteed $5000.00 Robina Town Centre Queensland

UBI Payment Services, Windsor-Morgan & Parker
UBI Payment Services - Windsor-Morgan & Parker Said I would recieve a 5,000 dollar check, if I sent my signature and ID Queensland

Joe Ryan @ UBI Payment Services In Singapore
Joe Ryan Accounting Department Recieved a lette

Payment Services Receive a letter stating I've won $5000 & this is not a lottery but a contest. If I return the "release form" I'm guaranteed a $5000 ck

Forgery of signature in letter sent back to spouse sent to this comapany

UBI Payment Services
Advised me that I was the winner of a 5000.00 check Robina Town Centre Queensland 4230

Windsor-Morgan & Parker
$5000.00 guaranteed Robina Town Centre QLD 4230

Consumer First
Ripoff fraud business, when will they be stopped? Over 950 complaints on this site! Where are the authorities?

Santa Lucia Security Company S.A