UBI Payment Services
Ripoff again. What is wrong with these people? All I get in the mail is people that want to rip you off. Can't something be done. Robina Town Centre

Business & Finance

Well again I get a scam letter. This time they say I will receive $5,000.00 check. You don't get something for doing nothing. When I seen they want me to sign my name, thats when a flag came up. What do they do with my signature? Would someone Please stop these people! I will be writing to gov. To see what can be done. Someone tell me what to do. Thanks

Company: UBI Payment Services
Country: Australia
State: Queensland
City: Robina Town Centre QLD 4230
Address: P.O. Box 4805
  <     >  


Ubi Payment Services Guaranteed Delivery Statement
$5,000 ripoff contest robina australia

Joe Ryan @ UBI Payment Services In Singapore
Sent release form to receive a $5000 Check (scam) Robina Towne Centre QLD 4230 UBI Payment Services in Singapore

Ubi Payment Services Guaranteed Delivery Statement Accounting Department
Award of $5,000. Check Robina Town Centre OLD

Ubi Payment Services
Scammm scammmmm scammmm Robina Town Centre

UBI Payment Services
UBI Payment Sevices sent me a letter and said that I won $5,000.00. I didnt need to send any money just sign the form and send back to them

UBI Payment Services
Received letter that I was guaranteed $5000.00 Robina Town Centre Queensland

UBI Payment Services
Claim $5,000.. Just fulfill contest requirements

UBI Payment Services
Scam, lottery fraud, false promises Robina Town Centre

UBI Payment Services
They guarantee me $5,000.00 if I answer a puzzle question and sign below. The letter is signed by Joe Ryan

Ubi Payment Services
5,000 prize my ass robina town centre qld