Hewlett-Packard (HP)
COMPAQ 6720S - hp compaq 6720s


Okay, I bought this hp compaq 6720s last december, Since then I

Have had

2 replacement hard drives, both because the originals corrupted.

1 replacement motherboard, because the machine decided it wanted

A power on password after being shut down for 3 hours.

1 replacement battery pack, because the orginal one stopped charging

2x engineer visits I am still waiting on a third visit to replace

The motherboard... Again, this was because hp sent out an

Incorrect motherboard... Which happened when the motherboard was

First replaced

1 new cd rom drive because the original one has failed.

I have had to downgrade the operating system from Vista business

To Xp Pro service pack 3 because the graphics card overheats and


The display now flickers randomly and the graphics card crashes

At regular intervals, I have hade the blue screen of death on

Numerous occasions due to the graphics chip crashing.

The usb connections are to say the least tempremental.

I spoke to Mr Oliver Dyson at your head office in London, and not

To put too fine a point on it, That gentleman needs to spend a

Little more time familiarising himself with the forums on this

Website, because people in general are NOT happy with HP or the

Customer service they provide.

I have attempted several times to obtain customer support for

This model... IT IS NOT SUPPORTED IN THE UK so I am automatically

Passsed to the usa who cannot help because I am in the uk.

The graphics drivers for this machine have not been updated for

Two years...

I have had nothing but trouble with this notebook since I bought

It. I am fed up being passed from pillar to post and I am of the

Opinion that I am overdue a rerplacement machine.

Company: Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Country: USA
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Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Compaq 6720s - laptop

Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Hp compaq 6720s notebook - hp compaq 6720s

Repeated Motherboard Failure

HP Hewlett Packard
Defective motherboard

Ripoff Service on Warrantee and replacement Parts

Compaq - HP - Hewlett Packard
Failed Nvidia Graphics card. Known issue, HP won't fix

Compaq presario v6000
Motherboard causing overheating issue and shutdown of compute

Compaq Factory Outlet
Run as fast as you can, away from Compaq and their junk!

Best Buy
Ripoff refused to honor warrantry that they themselfs gave me after 1st ripoff attempt