Bank of America
ATM Suspended on Vacation - ATM/Security


Check this out:

I just drove to Quebec for Christmas break with my family. I withdrew $500 cash in New Jersey for gas/trip money. When I arrived in Quebec, could not withdraw even $1 from the ATM - the card was immediately suspended for "suspicious activity."

At a ski resort just over the US border, driving distance from my home, during peak vacation/skiing season?

For a seasoned Canadian traveller, who has used his B of A ATM card in Quebec no fewer than 10 times the past 3 years? (We have family there.)

For a 10-year account holder, never once overdrawn?

This is the sorriest bank ever.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
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Bank of America
ATM Suspended on Vacation - ATM/Security

T Mobile Wireless Communications
TMobile Wireless Communications ripoff T-Mobile's Robert (Canada) romming charges over the limit on vacation!

International Satelite Communications
40$ for a 30 seconds call!

Hydro Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Hydro Quebec has been asking me to pay another customer's phone bill!

J.D. Marvel Products
J.D. Marvel is a complete fraud ripoff business from hell, Beaconsfield, Champlain, Quebec, New york

Bank of America
ATM card suspended needlessly, twice

Celebration Resort Hotels
Liars, hypocrites, tricky dealers, non respective and unlawful company

Consumer Report

Vacation Savers
BEWARE Received call fr. Someone who had info I had a monthly subscription. Told me I had won the monthly draw for a Dell Computer. I pay shipping. My card was expiring I gave the new cvs code & got

J.D. Marvel Products Inc
J.D. Marvel Products ripoff - how do they continue to allow them to market in the US evil dirt bags