Karen Roper, Revenue Commissioner
Karen Roper - Revenue Commissioner Government Corruption


This victim's property has a Commercial Lien (UCC-1) over it. And the Security Agreement 4.14 is stated: This document is intended to be used to prtect me from unlawful gov't./ enforcement actions relating to various franschisees / any court judgments resulting from enforcement of these franschisee aginst person who aren't participatig.
(And this Sovereign American isn't participating either.) This form makes he "public officer" the strawman into separate entity / then place a lien on the straw man so that I (the private property owner)
have 1st priority ahead of the gov't.in the context of court judgmens, tax collections, family court judment, & traffic court judgments. (And Americans take note: the scheme in real estate is perpetuated by a bankruptcy scheme (fraudulent) that involve you, without you eve becoming directly in contact with the true creditor. And you're never informed as to whom the true creditor is / it's never divulged to you the true cause of the paperwork that you're filling out.) Furthermore, may it be further understood that the county can't take property away from one if his common law lien is on his property. If the county really wants the property, they're to satisfy the lien first. And since I've place a lien on my own propery, I'm the one who has to be paid off first, not the county! The county would have to satisfy the lien before the county would be allowed to take possession of the property.
Any revenue collecting individual or agency such as the courts, udges, lawyers, law enforcement officers, and tax collectors attempting to take money from me (as a private American) must be registered as a foreign agent. If they're not duly registered / properly identified, they're involved in EXTORTION an TREASON against private Americans.
(In the case of this victim, the Sec. Of State (AL) handled the recording / filing of this Commercial Lien, o July 5, & the Couny
Recoding Clerk (Probabe Judge's office) was supposed to record this lien agaist my real property. (But in my case, the county recorder refused to record. Told me she just couldn't. Just another way of perpetuating this fraudulent bankruptcy scheme too.) But since my property (real property) is listed on cororate state records, I'm the debtor / creditor on my own property, and y property ca't be put up in any way for collateral against any debts claimed by the banksters
(the creditors), & their flunky agents. And now, they can't prove that mine is debt propert of the banksters or the corporate county. For this private property is encumbered by the debtor w / her commercial lien. And the property can't be put up against any debt claims 'til it's not encumbered by this person's lien, and this comercial lien is now the person's "private" property, and will have no more property taxes 'til it's not encumbered. (For this private property owner is now her own creditor, & debtor. And now the International Banksters along w / the county corporate "extortionists"
are now knocked out of stealing this victim's property.
When this victim asked K. Roper if she know that her dealings w / her... Were fraudulent, she "mockingly" stated "yes" too. And then I told her... That I usually report those who deal w / me fraudulently to the Feds. She then said... Then go right ahead too. (I'm asking / pleading w / everyone to Wake Up, America... For many of our gov't officials need to be held accountable, & made to be "honest" in their dealings w / the American Citizens too.)
The above which is all "true" was sent in by this victim's "close" relative who is "hurting" w / her too. May God give her "true"
Justice... Up ahead too!!

Company: Karen Roper, Revenue Commissioner
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Anniston
Address: 1702 Noble St., Ste. # 106
Phone: 2562412840
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Karen Roper, Revenue Commissioner
Government Corruption

PNC Mortgage
Completed short sale with PNC who refuses to release lien on property and ruining my credit!

Miami County Title Company
At closing we were not allowed to sign finally papers No explainations no return messages Placed lien on property House sold & lien was not paid

N.R.L.L. East - N.R.L. L - Landauction.com
N.R.L.L. - landauction.com sold me a property with lien and back taxes owed by previous owner

First American Investment - Unistates Ca
Never reported Lien satisfied to County Court System

City of Oakland
Property Leins - Sneaky fees

Team property managment
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www.egyptian-witchcraft.com Aisha Haadi
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Arturo Torres
The One Handyman Poor workmanship and fraudulent mechanics lien

Mike Howard, Bldg.inspector City Of Weaver
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