Skin care Miami Florida


The screen I ordered from did not include any message saying I would be billed over $80 each month via auto ship. The page appeared to end after you had
entered your personal shipping information.

A few days after I ordered it on line, I got a call from my credit card company saying there may be unauthorized charges. I had to cancel my credit card and get a new number because of this scam.

I then returned to the page and SCROLLED down... Way down in tiny writing at the very bottom of a long page was "terms and conditions".

I consider this a rip-off so did my credit card company... Buyer


Company: Dermapril
Country: USA
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Lethe Skin Labs
OCEANEDGE SERVICES Rip Off - Auto Ship Plan - Negative Option Program - Stealing money from my Credit Card - Unauthorized

Consumer First
Ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Lethe Skin Labs
Consumer Report

Blue dog ink
Bluedogink charges your credit card more than the total it shows on your bill ripoff

Used misleading sales technique to sell me software, terms and conditions did not match advertising

Acai advanced
Free trial offer website Very deceptive business practice. Although not illegal, very unscrupulous. Terms and conditions on different page, MyCreditReport
Ripoff fraudulent billing credit card

Ripoff Stole my money period

Chase Manhattan Bank
Mail order credit card fraud. False percent rate, false fees ripoff

Don't try to return without a receipt!