Us Goverment
TV Converter Box Coupon Program


You get the coupon with a specific expiretion date, but they do not tell you that in our diverse country they use est. Time. So you go to Best buy in LA, get to pay 9.15 pm, guess what, the coupon is no good!!!

Well, another brilliant goverment program. If those are the conditions SAY SO. There no one to talk to. I tried the Email but of course there was no direct answer.

I guess for the bureacrats on the east coast we in the west do not count. I wonder what the people in Hawaii are doing.

Company: Us Goverment
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
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Rip off

Solid Signal
Redeemed my tv converter coupon without me actually making a purchase

Department Of Commerce USA
Expired TV Converter Box Coupon Program send out invalid coupon code - send out invalid coupon code

The Twister Group
Illegitimately denies govt coupon

Web Coupon
They charged my checking account with $19.93, and I did not authorize them to do so. I want the money back!

Federal Government Digital Coupon Program
Expiration of coupon

PETCO PALS I am another victim of the PALS Buy 10 Get 1 Free Program. I fulfilled my requirments and the automated phone system told me I would receive my coupon for a free bag of food in 2-3 weeks. 3 Months l

Coupon Savers Program
Consumer Report

In Touch Marketing