Ruan Transportation
Double-Dealing Devil Worshippers Truck Drivers Beware NWO Liars and Schills Log Books tracking devices surveylance video


Warning: Ruan Transoprtation is in full tilt panic mode in Phoenix, Arizona where they service Target Retail Stores in 4 Western States.

Jason Reynolds is at the helm of a sinking ship that is throwing drivers overboard as fast as possible. Sue Doan is his first mate and probable co-conspitator.

It is suspected that they are acting on orders from Corporate Headquarters to get "X Number of Drivers" off the payroll ASAP... And that they would use "Logbook Enforcement" as the means to that end.

Since this seems to be a highly suspicious campain and less than honest, we can only regard Ruan Transportation and their management as evil liars attempting to defraud their employees of not only their jobs and livelihood, but the Arizona State Unemployment Benifit that these drivers have earned and accumulated during their tenure. This is Insurance Fraud; a felony in Arizona.

We also suspect that Jason Reynolds is a double-dealing, snake in the grass, devil worshipping rat liar, mouse of a man who plays one person against another in his sick and twisted mindgame of a career building throw your friends under the bus to get a promotion dillusional mindless corporate groupthink world view.

Will Ruan Transportation Trust Jason Reynolds to manage a Million $ Dollar account for a "Fortune 500" Corporation, or will they ask him to submit to a Polygraph Test of his honesty and integrety in this matter and numerous other issues yet to be discussed?
Here are a few questions that should be asked in a polygraph examination:

Has he ever discriminated against any person as a manager?
Has he always been honest to the drivers and customers?
Has he ever made dispariging remarks about any person in his employ?
Has he ever recieved gifts, bribes or kickbacks from vendors, associates or fuel suppliers?
Has he ever falsified a company expence account or any report, or any official document for his own advantage?
Has he ever pushed anyones buttons or manipulated the workplace to gain an advantage or get his jollies?
Does he take personal delight and pleasure or satisfaction in userping his authority over another human being in order to engorge his ego as a man?
Has he ever made crude remarks about anyones sexuality at Target?
Has he ever lied to Corporate?

Answers to these questions will help confirm what so many have been saying for a long time.

We suspect that Ruan Transportation might just pin a metal on his chest for having carried out his master's wishes so faithfully in there atrocities.

If Logbook enforcement is suddenly an issue today, why has it never been in Ruan's 75 year history?
Why has Jason Reynolds not been the FIRST person fired since he sat on his hands and rarely did anything for long years about logs.
His failures should get him fired for sure.

We will blister the internet with as much as we can get and hopefully their customers will catch wind of what kind of sweat shops Ruan is running.
Of course, they might just slap them on the back as they light another cigar.


Company: Ruan Transportation
Country: USA
State: Iowa
City: Des Moines
Address: P.o Box 855
Phone: 6234781127
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James sweeney
I am not going to let another person be victim of these crooks he need to be expose

Ruan Transportation
Ray gozzi - maverick transport: beware! Low life company here, fired me for nothing

NR Electric
James Sweeney aka crack head! Mr. James sweeney pretend he's the boss for nr electric so he could scam customers for his crack habit idiot!

Gainey Transportation
Drivers beware!

Wright Transportation
WrWright Transportation, Beware of this Company! They will lie to you and about you!

Ruan Transportation
Never paid for 2 full details on semi's done for Memorial Day parade

LCT / LCT Transportation / Lester Coggins Transportation / LCT Transportation Services
LCT / LCT Transportation / Lester Coggins Trucking / LCT Transportation Services LCT has no intent on paying Drivers if they can get away with it then they discredit and fire you! Apopka, miami, pierson

Swift Transportation
Rip off on miles driven thy are anywhere from 35 to 80 miles off on the loads say you have a 800 mile run and you ran the miles and it said 888 this is 88 miles that the driver is not going to get payed fo

Arnold Transportation
The safety department will charge drivers fir incidents and won't they won't overturn incidents when you are not guilty

BLC Transportation Inc, Or Brent Frobes Trucking Inc
BLC Trucking Inc, Or Brent Frobes Trucking Inc. BLC Transportation Inc, Systematic rerouting of drivers pay to company account, with no pay going to driver