Seawaves Cruiseline - Malaysia, Sea Waves Cruiseline - Malaysia
Employment offered aboard cruiseliner kuala lampu


Jimmy Lam (Head HR Dept) Sea Wave Crusie Liner Inter. Offered employment provided that certain protocol was followed. The sum of US$600 for visa processing etc. The Malaysian Government then passed a ruling that South African Citizens need to deposit 50%of one months salary as a security bond in case ther are any legal problems arising and you need to be deprted back to country of origin. Thisamount was paid over and Mr Lam assured us of the necessary paperwork being delivered soonest.

Contacted via email by Mr Lam suggesting that the diplomatic courier would be delivering said documentation, seamans passport, visas, tickets etc and he would then handover the tickets after a further US$1000 be paid to the courier. This was supposed to be in cash and no suddenly when the courier arrived in the country (with a local cellular phone) it suddenly has to be paid so he can get the parcel thru customs and immigration.

When trying to explain what the email reads they insist they need the cash transferred into a bank account (and suddenly can provide a South African Bank Account).

There is according to the Malaysian Government no company by that name, the lawyers assisting Sea Wave - Najib Bin Reasli and Associates, 6014 3679659, Tan Liew See is the partner responsible for all the dealings. The links the law website provides do not work... The law firms website is

South Africa

Company: Seawaves Cruiseline - Malaysia, Sea Waves Cruiseline - Malaysia
Country: Malaysia
State: Pahang Darul Makmur
City: Kuantan
Address: 16 MS Kuatan-Kemaman, PO Box 172, 25720
Phone: 60132649133
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Diplomatic Haulage & Hand Delivery Services
Courier Frauds

Sea Wave Cruise Line (Malaysia)
Sea Wave Cruise Liner (Malaysia) Employment scam, Pahang

United Security & Courier Services
Consumer Report

Swift Courier & Rexilser Electronic Services
Consumer Report

MR HARRY JP. JACKSON Or Mr. Joe Smith Williams # 90, Spendmore Lane, Coppull Near Chorley, Lancas and Mr. Joe williams smith are a fake courier used by scammers Lima Malaysia, United Kingdom

Emily Ami
Consumer Report

Fake company, fak website, fake AWB#, asking people to pay for the fee as the parcel gets stuck at the n custom

Michael Johnson Interworld Courier Scam in Malaysia Kuala Lumpu

Ripoff signing me up for things I don't want or no about Internet

RAPID COURIER SERVICES, Rapid Courier UK Headquarters, MS Maria Farra Abubaka
Rapid worldwild in courier scams Sarawak / Brunei, Umm Ramool, Rashidya Internet