Sea Wave Cruise Line (Malaysia)
Sea Wave Cruise Liner (Malaysia) Employment scam, Pahang


Seawave seem to be operating the standard employment contact rip-off. They have a reasonable looking website at, and even respond to an initial application with more questions.

However, it's when the appointment letter arrives that things look a bit strange.

Firstly, you are told to contact an immigration lawyer, and you will have to foot the bill for the Malaysian work permit. Only then will the plane ticket be sent to you.

You are also given a ridiculously short period of time - in my case 2 weeks - to pack up your life, in preparation for a 2-year contract abroad.

It's also what they don't say in the appointment letter that's illuminating:

After the "training camp" in Malaysia, you're supposed to go and work in Canada, yet there's no mention of any Canadian work permits, or visa requirements.

There's vague references to accommodation is provided, but no mention of uniforms, or what should be taken along.

Company: Sea Wave Cruise Line (Malaysia)
Country: USA
Phone: 60132601114
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