Arizona DPS Jan Brewer
Speed Camera Fraud Waste my time and money! Jan Brewer is a discrace for letting this go on!


Today is March 22nd 2009. I just checked my mail and found a ticket from Arizona DPS. The car in the photo is clearly me, and clearly my car. The date of the claimed incident is 2-15 (a month earlier) The charge is Excessive Speeding, a CRIMINAL not civil ticket. And has a fine of about $375, their site says. I believe that it was a photo van that took the photo. My speed is clocked at 88MPH. Let me say that again 88MPH!!! In a 65MPH zone. This was on I-10 and 40thST just after 2pm.

Now let me say I NEVER EVER EVER EVER would drive my car that fast, especially on a crowded freeway in the middle of the day next to a photo enforcement van. I drive generally on cruise control at 65MPH. Better yet there is a 7 second video of my alleged speeding you can view. A truly wonderful video since it clearly shows my car in the right 2 lanes (I was signaling and moving right) driving at a normal speed, in fact in the video you see a car come from behind and is passing me in the lane next to me. HE was going faster than me, but I still don't believe either of us were going 88MPH. That is ridiculous, and I would be offended at anyone who would drive that fast.

I am outraged at this and now think that any and ALL cameras in Arizona should be pulled down immediately. IT IS FRAUD BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT!!! These were put here under the assumption that they are 100% accurate and there will be no errors. How else can you justify such an outrageous action by our state. False tickets! Now I have to go to court and plead my case and waste my time and money going to south Phoenix (45mins from my house) to show what is an obvious malfunction of their crappy camera system. I am so outraged to get ripped off by my own state! The state is suppose to protect you from fraud not cause it!

Our Governor Jan Brewster seems to know these cameras don't work but has done nothing to get them taken down! And why??? Because they are greedy and don't care if things work right or not, just as long as it makes them money. Mrs. Brewster, You should be ashamed of yourself for letting this injustice and fraud go on in your state and mine! OH I almost forgot... AS A FAIL SAFE FOR THE CAMERA SYSTEM my ticket states." I certify that I have reasonable grounds, and do believe, based on my examination of digital images and data associated with this violation, that the person named herein committed the act (s) above. And it has some guys name there. So some guy looked at this (or so it claims) and though I was doing 88MPH. Here is a link to the video, you tell me. I WANT ACTION!!! Arizona called me a criminal speeder for driving the speed limit. Who is the real criminal?

In the video I have it replay several times at full speed, my car is in frame for about 3 seconds, and the car that comes from behind me is just about passed me at the end of the video

Company: Arizona DPS Jan Brewer
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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