BHR And Associates
Scam beware!


This guy mark berges is a joke! He has some guy from new jersey contact me who then invited me to the conference. He told me that he can "hear it in my voice that I am very serious about this and they would like to have me work for them". I attended their conference call and mark didn't let anyone speak he just went on this presentation about how they do things and how you can make 2000 a day doing this and how it is such a great company and that was it. Then this guy from new jersey contacted me again and I didn't answer cause by that time I didn't want anymore part of it. They said that they have an A rating with the BBB well I just looked them up and in just a few months they went to an F. Place is a big joke and it will not be long before its shut down.

Company: BHR And Associates
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irving
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