Grant Writing Express
Failed to send cd. Took $74.95 out of my account. This is stealing!


I sent in for the info. On the cd. That said there was money that the government was giving away. The way it was worded, it suggested that President Obama was standing back of this.

They took the money out of my account. When I tried to call they just keep sending you to different people. I am going to my bank today and see if there is anything they can do.

I hope this helps anyone else who gets into this mess. Don't fall for it!!!

Ken california, mo.

california, Missouri

Company: Grant Writing Express
Country: USA
State: Wyoming
City: Cheyenne
Address: 2710 Thomas Ave
Phone: 8886628762
  <     >  


Government Grant Processing Center

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The Grant Express
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Ripped-Off My Bank Account - they tell you that you have won something, but in the end, your going to have to pay for it big time

Government Grants Association
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GSI, Grant Services - Grant Services Incorporated
Fraud, us government doesn't work this way! DO NOT FALL FOR IT, PHONE NUMBER DOESN'T EXIST, CANNOT CONTACT ripoff, SCAM, you wil not recieve money, do not give out personal information