Grants Research
GRG Thieves scam artists liers dishonest RIPOFF


I am writing to report a scam being run by a company called GRG Grants Research out of 5348 Vegas Dr. Ste. 866 Las Vegas, NV. 89108.

This company has obtained my debit card information and has made unauthorized charges claiming that I signed up for their service. After contacting this company and speaking to a Bobby Hubert, I find out that they never have provided me with ANY service, yet they have made 2 charges to my debit card account, and they do not care if I got service from them or not, but will continue to charge a monthly fee for their "services". I don't even know who this people are.

I have already contacted my bank and have cancelled my debit card since I was advised by this "company" that there are other charges that will be put through regardless of my objection.

Is there a regulatory agency that oversees these scammers?

I am appalled by the behavior and attitude of these professional scammers. Telling me that I got something I actually never received or requested.

Please advise as to what steps will be taken to stop these people from continued scamming of innocent un expecting people like me.

This people are criminals and should not be allowed to operate in the state of nevada or any place for that matter. They should be placed behind bars and the key thrown away! Perhaps a public hanging would be more appropriate.

Company: Grants Research
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 5348 Vegas Dr. Ste. 866
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