My Grant Dollars
Unauthorized Charge

Internet & Web / Online Scam

A $58.61 charge was posted against my debit card on 2/24/09 from My Grant Dollars. I had initially unsubscribed to getting the information kit on 2/5/09. They charged me $2.97 for a kit that was supposed to arrive 3 weeks after subscribing. I have yet to see this package that supposedly would consist of a DVD, brochure, etc.

GRG will however, give you a user id and a password to log on to their so called data base of government grants. Now, these grants are no where near what hardworking, down on their luck folks like you and me can possibly qualify for. So, please be very careful! It's mainly geared to environmental energy, public awareness projects that require a large amount of resources. The worst part of this scam is using our President, Barack Obama's stimulus package plan as juastification for these free government grant applications.

Immediately, I contacted and e-mailed the scam artist on 2/5/09. They do have a 7 days grace period for cancellation, but this is written in a Type 7 font at the bottom of their website.

Obviously they denied ever receiving my termination notice when I contacted them again on 2/24. Here is their contact information:

Grant Research Guide,

5348 Vegas Drive, Suite 866

Las Vegas, NV 89108

Tel: 1-866-479-6989

This company is based in Great Britain. Their Las Vegas office is a front for scamming folks like you and me! So if you have a checking account or used your credit card, you will notice that a $0.02 was also posted along with the initial investment of $2.95 and also included in the $58.61. This$0.02 is actually the transaction fee for international wire. The money goes straight to Great Britain (or United Kingdom).

Please be very, very careful about this company. They obviously change their parent website and it is very difficult to track down the original ISP address. I had to go to my bank, have them destroy and re-issue a new Debit card and also fill in an official dispute form. Usually your new card will arrive anyhwere from 7-10 business days. I plan to dispute the $2.97 (since I never received the kit and also the $58.61)

A great tip that my banker provided is always ask the if the company will accept PayPal. If they do not, then they are for sure running a scam. PayPal does a great job in ensuring that their customers are not getting jipped. However, to ensure that no monthly charges of $58.61 is posted onto your account, you HAVE to get a new credit card/debit card or else, these scam artists will continue to bill you.

In addition to issuing a stop payment with my bank, I also filed a complaint with the BBB and called up the 1-866 number. It's difficult to file a complaint with the BBB if you do not have the PHYSICAL address or website address of My Grant Dollars. So, use the address provided above to lodge a complaint with the BBB.

I did speak with a very nice man at my Grant Dollars, but you have to be forceful and state your case. I told the young man that I had spoken with Carolyn on 2/5 and had terminated my subscription. They denied of course, then I proceeded to tell him what I had done, i.E. Stop payment, filed a complaint with the BBB and re-issuing another debit/chek card. 30 minutes after speaking with the man, I got an e-mail from Hunter Thompson from Grant Research Guide confirming my membership cancellation.

Hope this information helps out anyone out there! S*^t happens to the best of us! Best of luck!

Company: My Grant Dollars
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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