Andrew Lee Witherspoon. Affiliated Commerce
Let's defraud the oldies... They're easy targets to convince


I'm a very broke 60yo unemployed manufacturing systems analyst and not being able to find a job now I decided to write a book to help youngsters into business successfully and hopefully to earn me a living helping others.

Through some error of the internet I received an email from Witherspoon in early October saying he was retiring from Internet marketing to focus on a writing career. I responded thinking he could proof read my very first book but what came back was a sob story of how he had all these web-building skills as well and they were to be wasted.

Ultimately, on 14th October we agreed he would build and establish a website for my book and use his expertise to take it to the market for me... For $300..."because I liked to help people."

He built a site of sorts, often without any recourse to me and set up all the blogs, social stuff and lodged my url etc. He took full control of everything and me now being internet savvy thought this was okay for a while. However, the site was bad and he changed it entirely about 6 times. It gained a maximum of 4 visitors per day for 3 months until in January I paiid an outside company to promote the site for me using the keywords he dictated.

During our relationship he advised a bit late that he was an alcoholic, had been in prison twice and rejected for jury duty when he told the judge he sided with the criminals as the courts stank.

Anyway, within a couple of weeks I was getting around 350 visitors per day but a massive bounce rate. Witherspoon said he didn't know why this was. I had a free e-book on site and yet after 9000 visitors not one freebie had been taken.

Obviously I asked what could be the reason but got nothing back except "I don't know".

As by then he had sucked me out for almost $800 for a variety of things that I didn't understand and he had convinced me to pay to set up a further 12 sites to feed the main site, (which I always paid immediately) I felt I had the right to ask him to find out why there were no takers or opt-ins at all and to correct things.

I heard nothing for the next 24 hours but I was trying to find the cause myself... And I actually did. He had fouled up about 10 links on site and all the autoresponder meassage links... Everything pointed in loops to the wrong areas so visitors actually couldn't progress through the site even if they opted in... I would never know about these either as nothing told me. The first opt-in email sent any signer back to the sign in box!

Once I found out I got immediately onto the IM and 'spoke' with him about the discovery.instead of gratitude he was fierce and abrupt as he had been before when he had been drinking. I stayed calm and friendly anyway as I needed him to sort this huge issue out, but after about four messages his wife came on the IM and said he was busy on another pc. I assumed he was fixing things at last.

The next day, 16th Feb I received an email from him (I have it still) that simply said he had taken the trouble to erase my 13 websites from 'his hosting account' (that I had prepaid for) and deleted everything including all my backup copies.

That was it. I now had nothing except some three month old test files on my pc.

Since then I tried to persuade him to start putting the main site back together so I had some hope but despite agreeing he fooled me about with excuses for ten days such that I have had to hire another technician to actually restart the entire site again.

He blatantly offers no refund and says to sue him as he has nothing and will be a bankrupt instead. He has gone into several of my accounts... Adsense, google stats etc and cancelled services I paid for.

Basically he is an angry spiteful drunk, convicted criminal and a confidence trickster. He brags about being a writer but has even had me edit some of his terrible work.

Worst of all he has apparently been very heavily involved with social networks and carries a huge amount of site space on such as facebook, squidoo, mybook etc. I need to warn other that this man will take your money and provide trash or nothing. If you complain he will bleat about bankruptcy to keep you off his back.

My new tech found that Witherspoon had set himself up with a CD of my book where the proceeds didn't come to me... And any funds from my adsense accounts don't appear to come to me either. (Adsense advise I don't have an account, despite dozens of ads Witherspoon had placed on my sites!)

He is now sending me moronic emails about how he enjoys 'sparring' with me about not paying me.

Please take the time to Google Andrew Lee Witherspoon and if you know how to use social things like Twitter, Facebook etc, write up a pointer comment to this article and tell the system what this man is. He is very dangerous. He has advised he would like to set up and promote book-writing and website building for the oldies through target email marketing. Very dangerous and very nasty.

Oh yes and finally. He actually tells people he is an ordained minister too, no doubt to suck them in easier. I have that in writing as well.

Engadine West

Company: Andrew Lee Witherspoon. Affiliated Commerce
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 2224 Christian Street
Phone: 12676396607
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