Cornerstone America, Mid-West
Insurance co. Of tennesse and all it's other aka's beware-they report tothe irs income that they say you got after you stopped working for them for over a year. Butyou never got a dime chicago


Former agents beware. When you finally figure out that this company is corrupt, dishonest, misleading your pretty much stuck in their claws. After I quit in I get 3 letters stating that I owe them money. Each letter had a different amount. When I requested they send me a detailed report with all my information including what I still had on the books, I never recieved another letter. But then, they send me a W2 for 2007.

I quit in 2006. The W2 said that they "paid" me $7390.00, of which I never saw a dime. I'm sure they used one of their "calculations" to get around income they don't want to pay. And just today I got a letter from the IRS asking why I didn't claim this "income". I told them because I never got this money.

Now I have to deal with the IRS. Just when I thought my life was free from this demonic company I am once more sucked backed in to their hellhole. If there is anyone else that is going through this or has in the past PLEASE post your experience. We need to find a way to stop these people. They don't care and never have cared for their agents. As long as you are writing your "safe" only if you keep writing. For those who are reading this and you are working for these people I pray for you because you are going to need it once they no longer need you.

Chicago, Illinois

Company: Cornerstone America, Mid-West
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicgo
  <     >  


National Bureau Of Prize Information
I thought I won 3700000.00 they rip me off asking to send $20 I didnt get nothing ripoff

Cornerstone America
Run, Run. Please Run As Fast As You Can! THE ALLIANCE - Cornerstone America - Alliance For Affordable Services SALES REPRESENTATIVE

Cornerstone America, MEGA, Healthmarkets
Unethical business practices, misleading hiring tactics, no quitting allowed w/o owing them $!

Cornerstone America - HealthMarkets - Mega, And Affiliates
Cornerstone America - HealthMarkets - Mega And Affiliates Beware these companies lie, cheat and steal. DON'T GO FO THE LIES, you will be sorry ripoff Chicago Illinois

Protect America
Buyer Beware! You can't cancel this service!

EWC-European Winners Clu
Consumer Report

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Erroneous Debt Reported to IRS as Income to Me!

Bottom Line Books
Is ripping me off by sending books every year when i send them back return to sender they send invoices stating i owe them i only ordered one from them and requested them to not send any more i have sent multible letters explaining this

Ravina - CFB Holding
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Bank Of America
Security Protection ripoff - total security protection - scam verbage to rip off clients