Tom Farrage
Runs a Cruel Sweatshop


Farrage employs illegal aliens, and treat them as less than human...

And Yes, Even the Legal workers get their fair share of Big Toms wrath. He also have a knack for "creative" tinkering on the books, (No wonder California have a Deficit... Authorities seem more intent, and organized to extort a $60 jaywalk ticket, than sniffing out those who bamboozle with millions)

Off course he pays a lot of money to keep ONLY the "squeaky clean" pages on top at Google.

Paying the GraveDiggers to Bury his Transgressions...
I wish i did not have to waste my time filing reports on him, but types like Farrage, feeding of others misery, breaking laws and stepping on civil rights... All the while getting fatter, and meaner... Should be pointed out to others, and hope we all learn from it... Painfully.
Especially now, as we begin to understand the swindles perpetrated by "Nice" guys, such as Mr. Tom Farrage.

Company: Tom Farrage
Country: USA
State: California
City: Culver City
Address: 5876 Smiley Dr
Phone: 3108429884
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