Video Professor
Ipped off! - Video Prof Ebay


I ordered your Ebay so called freebie that cost me $6.95. You sent so much crap that I was afraid I would get charged more & could not tell what was free that I sent it back. Before I could do that you sent me more crap. I sent everything back to you & tried to call but get the "non-person" run around.By then you charged me $190 for this mess. I called from work & got to talk to a Kyle. He said you all got the stuff back & would credit my credit card in 7-10 business days. Well that was 6/30/09 & today is 7/16/09. I'm still waiting. You all suck!!! Tried to call from work & got the same "non-person" run around again. What's with you people???

Company: Video Professor
Country: USA
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Video Professor
Free eBay disc - Ebay

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Charged unjustified fees to my credit card after product return

John W. Scherer - Video Professor
Deceptive business practices - ordered 6.95 video on how to learn ebay and video professor charhed checking account 189.95

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Robbing everyday people by not giving back their refunds. And doing this without the customers permission!

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E bay

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The Company from Hell

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Free trial cost me $189.95 plus $19.95 S & H plus I had to pay to ship discs back

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The Video Professor
I ordered the free lesson and agreed to pay postage of 6.95. My account was charged $189.95.By the time I got my visa bill they said my ten days to return it was up. I never agreed to be sent 189.95