Todd Cochran


This scumlord is trying to charge me $4000 to repair wall mouldings, 2 window sill, replace curtains, a screen, and a time warner remote. Does that sound like a right estimate? I asked a contractor myself and he said the scumlord was freakin crazy for that amount.

I know he has had 15 people living in the house when i lived there and had to share my bathroom with 4 people at once, a guy who threatened to beat me up while i'm 6 months pregnant, and a sleeze ball who can't pick up after himself if his life depended on it/racist, and had a guy who peed on the floor... Oh god it goes on

He had converted the garage to hold 1 washer 2 dryers, a bathroom, and 2 small bedrooms. He build a connecting hallway from what used to be the outlet from the kitchen to the backyard.

That door is next to a bathroom... There is a window to that bathroom and now that there is a wall built what the heck is the point of the window? It just stinks up the whole house and the garage. Gross. I think this guy might be holding out on the IRS too. Seeing how money hungry he is. I'm not the first person he's tried to get a ridiculous amount from.

Company: Todd Cochran
Country: USA
State: California
City: Reseda
Address: 18621 Willard St
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