15 days to cancel after recieve snet transaction pending 5days before even mailed


I thought Congress had stopped what this co. Does it is called something like a negative my parents day it was record albums ordered one and they kept coming. I adhore such practices. I wrote them and informed then in writing to stop. Then recieved items. I still have 9 days under there terms and conditions to say I am disasstified. You can see from the mail on rippoff reports how they operate. I wrote the Attorney Generals consumer complaints office with details. I wrote AOL who ddid this similiar to news story and advertised it as free trial admonishing them. Even their website is a lie www.mytrialsupport. It is not a trial. They charged my account even before they had mailed the package according to postmark making there on terms and condtions null and void to me. Within that time I would not even have time to respond. These ppeople are ripping poor people off calling it a free trial then you learn its a"subscription" and before the 15days or you haave even recieved the package to then cancel they have attached your account. How even under this fraudulent co. On "contract" is this in anyway legal? I would like an answer to that. Visa and wwwnetspend and Aol shame on you. I am canceling my accounts.

Company: Acaiberry
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boco Ratan
Address: 127W13thST
Phone: 8669384832
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Fraudulent/deceptive subscription practice

Charged me for what was advertised as a free trial subscription

Trial offe

Eliteacai berry
Acaiberry detox FWM Laboratories Took my money for a product I never recieved. Also told me I didn't cancel on time when I never recieved the product I tried to cancel and they said okay and then billed me $82.31

John Beck Mentoring Of America
Company promised refund within 3 business days of receipt, have jumped through every hoop possible and still no refund

Performance Health USA, LLC
Bottle arrived broken, packing torn, product missing

Mwigalleria Usa
MWI Galleria USA RIPOFF, pathetic, looser, thief, waste of space, needs to stop breathing our air. Seal, geo, aswell As

Mita Ganesh, John Kelly, Kenneth Henry
Scam... Scam... Scam
This company is a rippoff and charges you before your trial period is over!

Everbright smiles
EVERBRIGHT SMILES Their offer of a "trial" is fraudulent. Must cancel within four days of ordering, which gives only two days for shipping, NO days for a trial. My shiping took 16 days so I lost about $180 with no reco