Your Billing Soulutions
Your Billing Solutions false billing charges on AT&T bill


I received my AT&T bill in the mail today with an additional charge for OAN Services, Inc. I did not know what this charge was for, so I called AT&T and was told I signed up via the internet for this sevice.
The name of the service is yourbillingsolutions. The At&t customer service person gave me a "tracking number" and told me to log into, which I did, and found out this charge is for some sort of voicemail service also they give you a personal 800 number.

There is no way I signed up for anything resembling a voicemail service or for a toll free phone number. The only clue I could get from the my tracking number website, is that it may have been connected to a google I did on grocery coupons.

The AT&T customer service rep cancelled the service for me, although she said I would still be responsible for the original charge of $8.23, when I look at it says I will receive a credit. So we'll see what happens.

Company: Your Billing Soulutions
Country: USA
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